Women's Flyweight - Weightlifting
Rio 2016 Olympics

2016 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Weightlifting - Women's Flyweight in the Olympics
Women's Flyweight 2016
Sopita TanasanTHA200
Sri Wahyuni AgustianiINA192
Hiromi MiyakeJPN188
4. Beatriz Piron CandelarioDOM187
5. Margarita YelisseyevaKAZ186
6. Whitney King MorghanUSA183
7. Chen Wei-lingTPE181
8. Iulia ParatovaUKR179
9. Roilya RanaivosoaMRI173
10. Zhanyl OkoevaKGZ169
Saikhom Mirabai ChanuINDdnf
Thi Huyen VuongVIEdnf

Women's Flyweight - Weightlifting - Rio 2016 Olympics

Event Format: In weightlifting the total score for a lifter was the sum of the lifter's result in the snatch and the clean & jerk categories. Three lifts was allowed in each category. In case of a tie, the lighter lifter won. Lifters without a valid snatch score did not perform the clean & jerk category.

Event facts: Women's Flyweight competition was held at the Riocentro - Pavilion 2 and 12 athletes participated in the event.

These results for Women's Flyweight - Rio 2016 Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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