Olympian Database
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Olympic Games
Olympiandatabase contains all medalists and close to all results in the history of the Olympic Games. During the Games we provide a number of medal tables as well as detailed event schedules...
Sports Calendar 2024
The sports calendar gives an overview of major sports events in the coming months and direct access to event schedules or lists of champions...
Lists of Champions
This section of the website directs you to hundreds of lists of champions - in the Olympic disciplines as well as all-time winner lists of world championships and other major sports championships like the top cycling events or the tennis and golf majors...
World Championships
Information about the history of world championships in a number of sports like Athletics, Swimming, Nordic Skiing and more...
Continental Games
All-time medalists and competition overview for the long tradition of the Asian Games and the recently developed European Games...
Olympic Recaps & Biographies
Overview of Olympian biographies and background stories about past and future Olympic Games or in-depth articles about the history of a specific competition...
About the Coverage of Olympic HistoryOlympian Database er en uafhængig resource om de olympiske lege. Databasen giver indblik i de olympiske leges historie fra forskellige perspektiver.
Totalt giver perspektiverne det komplette historiske overblik over de olympiske lege indenfor nogle få kliks afstand. |
Alle informationer og facts om OL er levert på baggrund af grundige studier af de vigtigste kilder omkring de olympiske leges historie sammen med en stor interesse for verden største sportsbegivenhed. God fornøjelse! |