Women's Middleweight - Weightlifting
Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics

2016 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Weightlifting - Women's Middleweight in the Olympics
Women's Middleweight 2016
Deng WeiCHN262
Choe Hyo-simPRK248
Karina GorichevaKAZ243
4. Mercedes Perez TigreroCOL234
5. Eva Alicia Gurrola OrtizMEX220
6. Giorgia BordignonITA217
7. Esraa AhmedEGY216
8. Marina Rodriguez MitjanCUB215
9. Namika MatsumotoJPN205
10. Anni Teija VuohijokiFIN192
11. Joana PalaciosARG190
12. Elisa RavololoniainaMAD185
13. Mehtap KurnazTUR181
Siripuch GulnoiTHAdnf

Women's Middleweight - Weightlifting - Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics

Event Format: In weightlifting the total score for a lifter was the sum of the lifter's result in the snatch and the clean & jerk categories. Three lifts was allowed in each category. In case of a tie, the lighter lifter won. Lifters without a valid snatch score did not perform the clean & jerk category.

Event facts: Women's Middleweight competition was held at the Riocentro - Pavilion 2 and 14 athletes participated in the event.

These results for Women's Middleweight - Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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