Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Olympics
Eventing team

2004 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Equestrian -  Eventing team in the Olympics
Medalists - Athens 2004:
Jean Teulere FRA
Nicolas Touzaint
Didier Courreges
Cedric Lyard
Arnaud Boiteux
William Fox-Pitt GBR
Mary King
Leslie Law
Philippa Funnell
Jeanette Brakewell
Kimberley Severson USA
Amy Tryon
Darren Chiacchia
John Williams
Julie Richards
Facts - Eventing team - Athens 2004
 Olympic venue at the 2004 Olympic Games - Equestrian Venue: Markopoulo Centre
Olympic teams in the 2004 Olympic Games - Equestrian -  Eventing team Participants: 14 teams participated in the event.

Olympic schedule at the 2004 Olympic Games - Equestrian Schedule: The final took place on Wednesday, August 18, 2004.

Olympic event format at the 2004 Olympic Games - Equestrian Format: Horses and riders competed in a dressage stage, a cross country stage and a jumping stage with two rounds. Individual and team competitions used the same scoring. Only the first jumping rounds counted for the team results.

This information about Eventing team - Equestrian at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens is based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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