Women's 5+10 km pursuit - Cross Country
Swedish Results in Olympic Games





   5+10 km pursuit W - Nagano 1998
Antonina OrdinaFinal 48.12,6 19.
Elin EkFinal dns
Karin SäterkvistFinal 49.26,4 28.
   5+10 km pursuit W - Lillehammer 1994
Antonina OrdinaFinal 43.31,5 9.
   5+10 km pursuit W - Albertville 1992
Marie-Helene WestinFinal 41.28,2 6.
* This list about Swedish results in Cross Country in Olympic Games is not yet completed in the database. There may be additional events with Swedish participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with Swedish medals are already included.
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