Women's 15 km - Biathlon
Nagano 1998 Winter Olympics

1998 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Biathlon - Women's 15 km in the Olympics
Women's 15 km 1998
Ekaterina DafovskaBUL54.52,0
Yelena PetrovaUKR55.09,8
Uschi DislGER55.17,9
4. Pavlina FilipovaBUL55.18,1
5. Andreja GrasicSLO56.01,0
6. Ryoko TakahashiJPN56.17,4
7. Albina AkhatovaRUS56.21,7
8. Annette SikvelandNOR56.38,7
9. Yu ShumeiCHN56.41,3
10. Martina ZellnerGER56.46,3
11. Eva TofalviROU56.48,6
12. Svetlana ParamyginaBLR56.53,4
This result page is not fully completed - more details coming up.
These results for Women's 15 km - Nagano 1998 Winter Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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