Men's Singles - Luge
Liechtensteiner Results in Olympic Games*

  Facts about Olympic Luge





 Singles M Calgary 1988
Peter Beck Final standing dnf
 Singles M Sarajevo 1984
Wolfgang Schädler Final standing 3.06,997 11
 Singles M Lake Placid 1980
Rainer Gassner Final standing 3.02,074 13
Wolfgang Schädler Final standing dnf
 Singles M Sapporo 1972
Werner Sele Final standing 3.42,38 39
 Singles M Innsbruck 1964
Hans Nägele Final standing 4.06,29 27
Magnus Schädler Final standing 4.17,11 30
Johann Schädler Final standing dnf
* This list about Liechtensteiner results in Luge at the Olympics is not yet completed in our database. There may be additional events with Liechtensteiner participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with Liechtensteiner medals are already included.
These results for Liechtenstein in Luge - men's Singles - at the Olympics is based on the official olympic reports and Olympian Database
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