Men's Vault - Gymnastics
German Results in Olympic Games*

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 Vault M Beijing 2008
Fabian Hambüchen Qualifying Round 16,037 10
 Vault M Athens 2004
Matthias Fahrig Qualifying Round 9,244 17
 Vault M Sydney 2000
Jan-Peter Nikiferow Qualifying Round 9,625 20
Rene Tschernitschek Qualifying Round 9,212 59
Marius Toba Qualifying Round 9,187 62
Dimitrij Nonin Qualifying Round 8,975 73
Andreas Wecker Qualifying Round 8,912 75
 Vault M Atlanta 1996
Andreas Wecker Qualifying Round 19,162 25
Valeri Belenki Qualifying Round 19,149 28
Uwe Billerbeck Qualifying Round 18,937 46
Jan-Peter Nikiferow Qualifying Round 18,912 48
Oliver Walther Qualifying Round 18,700 60
Karsten Ölsch Qualifying Round 18,587 75
 Vault M Barcelona 1992
Sylvio Kroll Final 9,662 6
 Vault M Melbourne 1956
Helmut Bantz Final 18,85
Theo Wied Final 18,70 4
Jakob Kiefer Final 18,60 7
Robert Klein Final 18,60 7
 Vault M Helsinki 1952
Theo Wied Final 18,95 5
 Vault M Berlin 1936
Alfred Schwarzmann Final 19,200
Matthias Volz Final 18,467
Willi Stadel Final 18,033 14
Ernst Winter Final 17,900 17
Innozenz Stangl Final 17,667 19
Konrad Frey Final 17,666 20
Franz Beckert Final 17,400 25
Walter Steffens Final 17,234 29
 Vault M Athens 1896
Carl Schuhmann Final
Hermann Weingärtner Final
Conrad Böcker Final --
Gustav Schuft Final --
Alfred Flatow Final --
Fritz Manteuffel Final --
Gustav Flatow Final --
Karl Neukirch Final --
Richard Röstel Final --
Georg Hilmar Final --
* This list about German results in Gymnastics at the Olympics is not yet completed in our database. There may be additional events with German participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with German medals are already included.
These results for Germany in Gymnastics - men's Vault - at the Olympics is based on the official olympic reports and Olympian Database
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