Men's Individual - Nordic Combined
French Results in Olympic Games*

  Facts about Olympic Nordic Combined





 Individual M Beijing 2022
Antoine Gerard Final - Cross country 28.52,4 14
Ski jumping 129,5 18
Matteo Baud Final - Cross country 29.18,4 21
Ski jumping 127,5 16
Laurent Mühlethaler Final - Cross country 30.19,6 26
Ski jumping 123,5 24
Gaël Blondeau Final - Cross country 32.42,8 40
Ski jumping 103,5 41
 Individual M PyeongChang 2018
Maxime Laheurte Final - Cross country 25.22,8 14
Ski jumping 122,6 11
Francois Braud Final - Cross country 25.24,6 15
Ski jumping 112,6 17
Jason Lamy Chappuis Final - Cross country 27.17,5 30
Ski jumping 94,9 31
Antoine Gerard Final - Cross country 27.20,3 32
Ski jumping 85,5 36
 Individual M Sochi 2014
Jason Lamy Chappuis Final - Cross country +16,4 7
Francois Braud Final - Cross country +37,7 13
Sebastien Lacroix Final - Cross country +1.24,0 21
Maxime Laheurte Final - Cross country +1.52,1 27
 Individual M Vancouver 2010
Francois Braud Final +1.26,7 14
Jason Lamy Chappuis Final +2.11,7 18
Sebastien Lacroix Final +2.12,3 19
Maxime Laheurte Final +3.59,3 38
 Individual M Torino 2006
Jason Lamy Chappuis Final +1.49,4 11
Ludovic Roux Final +3.58,0 26
Nicolas Bal Final +4.44,3 31
Francois Braud Final +7.17,7 42
 Individual M Salt Lake City 2002
Nicolas Bal Final +2.31,6 10
Kevin Arnould Final +4.00,4 17
Ludovic Roux Final +5.10,6 26
Frederic Baud Final +6.24,2 37
 Individual M Nagano 1998
Nicolas Bal Final 1.25,7 7
Sylvain Guillaume Final 2.21,4 9
 Individual M Lillehammer 1994
Sylvain Guillaume Final 4.10,5 9
 Individual M Albertville 1992
Fabrice Guy Final 0,0
Sylvain Guillaume Final 48,0
 Individual M Innsbruck 1976
Jacques Gaillard Final standing 363,90 25
 Individual M St. Moritz 1928
Martial Payot Final 7,896 23
Kleber Balmat Final 4,291 28
Marcel Beraud Final dnf
 Individual M Chamonix 1924
Kleber Balmat Final 12,333 10
Gilbert Ravanel Final 11,063 18
Adrien Vandelle Final 8,167 20
Martial Payot Final dnf
* This list about French results in Nordic Combined at the Olympics is not yet completed in our database. There may be additional events with French participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with French medals are already included.
These results for France in Nordic Combined - men's Individual - at the Olympics is based on the official olympic reports and Olympian Database
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