Men's 10000 m - Athletics
Finish Results in Olympic Games*

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 10000 m M Barcelona 1992
Risto Ulmala Round 1 dnf
 10000 m M Los Angeles 1984
Martti Vainio Final (27.51,10) dq(d)
Round 1 (28.19,25) dq(d)
 10000 m M Moscow 1980
Kaarlo Maaninka Final 27.44,3
Round 1 28.31,0 2 Q
Lasse Viren Final 27.50,5 5
Round 1 28.45,8 4 Q
Martti Vainio Final 28.46,3 13
Round 1 28.59,9 4 Q
 10000 m M Montreal 1976
Lasse Viren Final 27.40,38
Round 1 28.14,95 3 Q
Martti Vainio Round 1 28.26,60 8
Pekka Päivärinta Round 1 dnf
 10000 m M Munich 1972
Lasse Viren Final 27.38,4 WR
Round 1 28.04,4 4 Q
Juha Väätäinen Round 1 dns
 10000 m M Rome 1960
Simo Saloranta Final 30.12,4 21
 10000 m M Melbourne 1956
Ilmari Taipale Final -- 22
 10000 m M Helsinki 1952
Hannu Posti Final 29.51,4 4
Väinö Koskela Final 30.43,0 16
Hugo Niskanen Final 30.59,6 19
 10000 m M London 1948
Salomon Könönen Final 9
Viljo Heino Final dnf
Evert Heinström Final dnf
 10000 m M Berlin 1936
Ilmari Salminen Final 30.15,4
Arvo Askola Final 30.15,6
Volmari Iso-Hollo Final 30.20,2
 10000 m M Los Angeles 1932
Volmari Iso-Hollo Final 30.12,6
Lauri Virtanen Final 30.35,0
 10000 m M Amsterdam 1928
Paavo Nurmi Final 30.18,8 OR
Vilho Ritola Final 30.19,4
Toivo Loukola Final 31.39,0 7
Kalle Matilainen Final 31.45,0 8
 10000 m M Paris 1924
Vilho Ritola Final 30.23,2 WR
Eero Berg Final 31.43,0
Väino Sipilä Final 31.50,2 4
 10000 m M Antwerp 1920
Paavo Nurmi Final 31.45,8
Round 1 -- 2 Q
Heikki Liimatainen Final 32.28,0 7
Round 1 32.08,2 1 Q
 10000 m M Stockholm 1912
Hannes Kolehmainen Final 31.20,8 OR
Round 1 33.49,0 1 OR
Albin Stenroos Final 32.21,8
Round 1 33.28,4 4 Q
Tatu Kolehmainen Final dnf
Round 1 32.47,8 1 Q
* This list about Finish results in Athletics at the Olympics is not yet completed in our database. There may be additional events with Finish participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with Finish medals are already included.
These results for Finland in Athletics - men's 10000 m - at the Olympics is based on the official olympic reports and Olympian Database
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