Men's 4x7,5 km - Biathlon
Sapporo 1972 Winter Olympics

1972 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Biathlon - Men's 4x7,5 km in the Olympics
Men's 4x7,5 km 1972
Aleksandr TikhonovURS1.51.44,92
Rinnat Safin
Ivan Biakov
Victor Mamatov
Esko SairaFIN1.54.37,25
Juhani Suutarinen
Heikki Ikola
Mauri Röppänen
Hansjörg KnautheGDR1.54.57,67
Joachim Meischner
Dieter Speer
Horst Koschka
This result page is not fully completed - more details coming up.
These results for Men's 4x7,5 km - Sapporo 1972 Winter Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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