Women's 4x5 km - Cross Country
Calgary 1988 Winter Olympics

1988 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Cross Country - Women's 4x5 km in the Olympics
Women's 4x5 km 1988
Svetlana NageykinaURS59.51,1
Nina Gavrilyuk
Tamara Tikhonova
Anfisa Reztsova
Trude DybendahlNOR1.01.33,0
Marit Wold
Anne Jahren
Marianne Dahlmo
Pirkko MäättäFIN1.01.53,8
Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi
Marjo Matikainen
Jaana Savolainen
4. Karin ThomasSUI1.01.59,4
Sandra Parpan
Evi Kratzer
Christina Gilli-Brügger
5. Kerstin MoringGDR1.02.19,9
Simone Opitz
Silke Braun
Simone Greiner-Petter
This result page is not fully completed - more details coming up.
These results for Women's 4x5 km - Calgary 1988 Winter Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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