Men's Greco-Roman middleweight - Wrestling
Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics

1936 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman middleweight in the Olympics
Men's Greco-Roman middleweight 1936
Final standing
Ivar JohanssonSWE
Ludwig SchweikertGER
Jozsef PalotasHUN
4. Väinö KokkinenFIN
5. Ibrahim ErabiEGY
6. Ercole GallegatiITA
7. Francisc CocosROU
8. Hans PointnerAUT
8. Josef PribylTCH
8. Kalman KisYUG
11. Voldemar MägiEST
12. Hans FrederiksenDEN
12. Edouard PigeotFRA
12. Georgios LefakisGRE
12. Ernest GogelSUI
12. Adnan YurdaerTUR
Round 6
Ivar JohanssonSWEfall
Jozsef PalotasHUN
Ludwig SchweikertGERbye
Round 5
Ludwig SchweikertGERfall
Jozsef PalotasHUN
Ivar JohanssonSWE3 - 0
Väinö KokkinenFINeliminated
Round 4
Väinö KokkinenFINfall
Francisc CocosROUeliminated
Ludwig SchweikertGER3 - 0
Ercole GallegatiITAeliminated
Ivar JohanssonSWEfall
Ibrahim ErabiEGYeliminated
Jozsef PalotasHUNbye
Round 3
Ercole GallegatiITA2 - 1
Väinö KokkinenFIN
Francisc CocosROUfall
Hans PointnerAUTeliminated
Ivar JohanssonSWE2 - 1
Ludwig SchweikertGER
Ibrahim ErabiEGY3 -0
Kalman KisYUGeliminated
Jozsef PalotasHUNfall
Josef PribylTCHeliminated
Round 2
Ercole GallegatiITA3 - 0
Voldemar MägiESTeliminated
Väinö KokkinenFINfall
Hans FrederiksenDENeliminated
Ludwig SchweikertGERfall
Francisc CocosROU
Hans PointnerAUTfall
Ernest GogelSUIeliminated
Ivar JohanssonSWEfall
Adnan YurdaerTUReliminated
Ibrahim ErabiEGY3 - 0
Georgios LefakisGREeliminated
Josef PribylTCHfall
Edouard PigeotFRAeliminated
Jozsef PalotasHUN3 - 0
Kalman KisYUG
Round 1
Väinö KokkinenFIN2 - 1
Voldemar MägiEST
Ercole GallegatiITA3 - 0
Hans FrederiksenDEN
Francisc CocosROUfall
Ernest GogelSUI
Ludwig SchweikertGERfall
Hans PointnerAUT
Ivar JohanssonSWEfall
Georgios LefakisGRE
Ibrahim ErabiEGY3 - 0
Adnan YurdaerTUR
Jozsef PalotasHUNfall
Edouard PigeotFRA
Kalman KisYUGfall
Josef PribylTCH

Men's Greco-Roman middleweight - Wrestling - Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics

Event Format: Athletes scored negative points based on decisions from three judges (win by fall: 0 points - win by decision: 1 points - loss by descision 2-1: 2 points - loss by decision 3-0: 3 points - loss by fall: 3 points). Accumulation of 5 negative points eliminated the athlete.

Event facts: Men's Greco-Roman middleweight competition was held at the Deutschlandhalle and 16 athletes participated in the event.

These results for Men's Greco-Roman middleweight - Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics - are based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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