Men's Decathlon - Athletics
Dutch Results in World Championships*

  Facts about Olympic Athletics





 Decathlon M Budapest 2023
Rik Taam Final standing 8098 13
 Decathlon M Doha 2019
Pieter Braun Final standing 8222 7
 Decathlon M London 2017
Pieter Braun Final standing 7890 16
Eelco Sintnicolaas Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Beijing 2015
Pieter Braun Final standing 8114 12
Eelco Sintnicolaas Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Moscow 2013
Eelco Sintnicolaas Final standing 8391 5
Pelle Rietveld Final standing 7840 21
Ingmar Vos Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Daegu 2011
Eelco Sintnicolaas Final standing 8298 5
Ingmar Vos Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Berlin 2009
Eugene Martineau Final standing 8055 18
Ingmar Vos Final standing 8009 19
Eelco Sintnicolaas Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Osaka 2007
Eugene Martineau Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Helsinki 2005
Eugene Martineau Final standing dnf
 Decathlon M Paris 2003
Chiel Warners Final standing 7753 11
* This list about Dutch results in Athletics at the Olympics is not yet completed in our database. There may be additional events with Dutch participation and/or additional athletes in the listed events which are not yet included. All results with Dutch medals are already included.

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