Women's Skiathlon - Cross Country
Falun 2015 World Championships

2015 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Cross Country - Women's Skiathlon in the Nordic World Championships
Women's Skiathlon 2015
Therese JohaugNOR40.57,6
Astrid Uhrenholdt JacobsenNOR41.03,3
Charlotte KallaSWE41.03,6
4. Kerttu NiskanenFIN42.03,3
5. Sofia BleckurSWE42.05,0
6. Marit BjørgenNOR42.30,8
7. Heidi WengNOR42.38,9
8. Riitta-Liisa RoponenFIN42.39,2
9. Maria RydqvistSWE42.40,8
10. Eva Vrabcova - NyvltovaCZE42.41,4
11. Elizabeth StephenUSA42.34,4
12. Martine HagenNOR42.50,6
13. Natalia ZhukovaRUS42.58,9
14. Alevtina TanyginaRUS43.09,7
15. Aino-Kaisa SaarinenFIN43.22,2
16. Yulia TchekalevaRUS43.22,5
17. Masako IshidaJPN43.25,7
18. Stefanie BöhlerGER43.32,5
19. Emma WikenSWE43.36,9
20. Sadie BjornsenUSA43.38,7
21. Teresa StadloberAUT43.41,4
22. Nathalie von SiebenthalSUI43.57,4
23. Krista ParmakoskiFIN44.13,5
24. Kornelia KubinskaPOL44.24,4
25. Virginia De Martin TopraninITA44.36,8
26. Anouk Faivre PiconFRA44.40,8
27. Ewelina MarciszPOL44.41,4
28. Valentyna ShevchenkoUKR44.45,9
29. Victoria CarlGER44.47,5
30. Rosie BrennanUSA44.49,0
31. Kikkan RandallUSA45.24,2
32. Anastasiya SlonovaKAZ45.31,1
33. Sandra RingwaldGER45.34,9
34. Yuki KobayashiJPN45.46,6
35. Lea EinfaltSLO45.50,2
36. Laura Orgue VilaESP45.55,6
37. Perianne JonesCAN46.08,6
38. Nathalie SchwarzAUT46.15,1
39. Li XinCHN46.19,5
40. Marina PillerITA46.19,7
41. Yelena SobolevaRUS46.33,3
42. Yelena KolominaKAZ46.56,9
43. Karolina GrohovaCZE47.09,6
44. Kateryna GrygorenkoUKR47.22,5
45. Anamarija LampicSLO48.01,9
46. Anna ShevchenkoKAZ48.04,0
47. Timea SaraROU48.29,0
48. Ina LukoninaBLR48.29,6
49. Marina MatrossovaKAZ48.34,9
50. Lee Chae-wonKOR49.06,4
51. Vedrana MalecCRO50.01,2
52. Chi ChunxueCHN50.53,7
53. Aimee WatsonAUS51.08,6
54. Xanthea DewezAUS53.36,4
Francesca BaudinITAdnf
Anna TrnkaAUSlapped

Women's Skiathlon - Cross Country - Falun 2015 World Championships

Event Format: The competition was a mass start race and all skiers started at the same time. Skiers ran the first half of the race in the classical style and on classic technique skis, then exchanged them for skating skis in the stadium and finished the race using the free technique. The clock did not stop while the skiers changed skis. The first cross country skier to pass the finishing line was the winner of the World Championship.

Event facts: Women's Skiathlon competition was held at the Lugnet

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