Minarni in the Asian Games

 Minarni from $nation
Facts about  Minarni in Badminton




Facts about $athlete_name in $sport_name - Asian Games Teheran 1974 - Badminton
Team W Final standing .$athlete_name silver medals in the Asian Games.
$athlete_name results in $sport_name - Asian Games Bangkok 1970 - Badminton
Doubles mixed Finals .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
Singles W Finals .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
Team W Final standing .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
$athlete_name results in $sport_name - Asian Games Bangkok 1966 - Badminton
Doubles W Finals .$athlete_name gold medals in the Asian Games.
Doubles mixed Finals .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
Singles W Finals .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
Team W Finals .$athlete_name bronze medals in the Asian Games.
$athlete_name results in $sport_name - Asian Games Jakarta 1962 - Badminton
Doubles W Finals .$athlete_name gold medals in the Asian Games.
Singles W Finals .$athlete_name gold medals in the Asian Games.
Team W Finals .$athlete_name gold medals in the Asian Games.

Not all results presented above for Minarni are complete in the database. There can be some athlete results in preliminary heats or similar that are not yet shown in the list.

Minarni may have participated in more Asian Games events that are not listed above, but any medals won are already included.

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