Men's Sprint - Cross Country
Trondheim 2025 World Championships - Preview

2025 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Cross Country - Men's Sprint in the Nordic World Championships
Men's Sprint 2025

Men's Sprint - Cross Country - Trondheim 2025 World Championships

Event Format: The individual sprint event begins with a qualifying round in which the cross country skiers start with an interval of 15 seconds and race a short course. The 30 fastest skiers in the qualifying round run quarterfinals, semifinals and finals on an approximately 1,5 km long course. The two fastest skiers in each heat and two "lucky loosers" advance to the next round. Six skiers compete in the final and the winner of the World Championship is the skier to finish first in the final.

Event facts: Men's Sprint competition was held at the Granåsen

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