Equestrian at the 1976 Summer Olympics
Jumping team

1976 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG . Equestrian -  Jumping team in the Olympics
Medalists - Montreal 1976:
Marcel Rozier FRA
Hubert Parot
Marc Roquet
Michel Rocho
Paul Schockemöhle FRG
Alwin Schockemöhle
Sönke Sönksen
Hans-Günther Winkler
Francois Mathy BEL
Eric Wauters
Edgar Gupper
Atanny van Paeschen
Facts - Jumping team - Montreal 1976
 Olympic venue at the 1976 Olympic Games - Equestrian Venue: Olympic Equestrian Centre
Olympic teams in the 1976 Olympic Games - Equestrian -  Jumping team Participants: 14 teams participated in the event.

Olympic schedule at the 1976 Olympic Games - Equestrian Schedule: The final took place on Sunday, August 1, 1976.

This information about Jumping team - Equestrian at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal is based on the official Olympic reports and the Olympian Database
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